The redwoods are some of the oldest and mightiest trees on Earth. Listen to the wisdom with the voice of Robert Redford.
Nature Is Speaking – Penélope Cruz is Water
Water is the source of all Life and yet, we humans take it for granted. Penelope Cruz is the Voice of Water – WE REALLY, REALLY need to listen and hear this.
Nature Is Speaking – Kevin Spacey is The Rainforest
Voiced by Kevin Spacey,listen to what the Rain Forest has to say.
Nature Is Speaking – Edward Norton is The Soil | Conservation International (CI)
The Soil.The ground on which we walk…do we ever give it a second thought? You will after watching this.
Nature Is Speaking – Julia Roberts is Mother Nature | Conservation International (CI)
Julia Roberts is the Voice of Mother Nature – listen carefully, take note and pay attention. What she has to say affects every single one of us.
Nature Is Speaking – Harrison Ford is The Ocean | Conservation International (CI)
This new and amazing series features Hollywood A List stars like Harrison Ford, Juila Roberts, Kevin Spacey , Edward Norton and Penelope Cruz. The films, by Conservation International are deeply thought provoking and should be watched by everyone who lives on Planet Earth.