Solar Water Heaters
A solar water heater is precisely that – it heats water using the sun’s energy and provides for more efficient access to hot water for your home or business.
How does it work?
In every case a solar collector collects solar irradiation (sunshine, UV and infrared) and converts it into heat. The heat is transferred to the water in the tank through a number of different heat transfer processes, (although the principles remain the same).
Solar collectors come in two main types.
Glass evacuated tubes (EVT’s) and flat plate collectors. Both are hail resistant.
In the case of flat plate collectors they require vegetable antifreeze (glycol) when installed in frost areas. This will need to be replaced or topped up every couple of years and will be an ongoing maintenance overhead.
The Solar water heater uses the power of the sun to heat water flowing through a series of pipes and then allow you to enjoy a piping hot shower or bath without using electricity.
- Retrofits are solar systems that attach to your existing electrical geyser, thereby saving you the cost of the tank.
- Complete solar water heater systems that include both the tank and the solar collector are used for new builds, extensions, and as pre-feeds to your existing tank.
Types of Solar Water Heater.
- I
Getting a Solar Water Heater for your Home.
This is an example of Solar Water Heater panels that work with your geyser to achieve energy savings by using the heat from the sun to heat water through the series of Pipes and then feed that water back into the domestic systems to save energy by being able to switch the geyser off and allow the water to be heated through this system.
By reducing the operating time on your geyser, this will save you electricity costs as well as giving you PIPING hot water – and especially in South Africa where our sun energy is abundant , this type of system makes good (Rands) and cents to have installed.
The diagram below shows how the solar water heater works in conjunction with your current geyser to improve energy efficiency in your home and reduce geyser energy usage on a daily basis.
Solar Water Heater – How much could it save you?
It will depend on the efficiency of the system chosen. This is determined mainly by the power output of the solar collector, where as a general rule bigger is better.
A correctly sized solar system can replace 95%+/- of the electricity normally used in heating water.
An electric geyser will use approximately 5 kWh units of electricity to heat 1 tank of 100l litres, 7,5 kWh to heat 150l, 10kWh for 200 litres, and so on.
A high performing system can pay itself off in two to three years and provide invest returns that are unlikely to be matched by any other investment.
Expected lifespan 15-25 years plus and most systems should be very low maintenance.
The actual savings will depend greatly on your use of hot water , but the general consensus is that this is a long term investment that will save you ( on an average household of 4 people) around R300-R600 per month and especially as the electricity price is set to increase over the coming year, this figure may increase accordingly.
With the price of electricity , a solar water heater will pay itself off in as little as 2 and a bit years. A solar water heater is a key link in the energy saving strategy for your home or business. So, if reducing your energy costs is one of your goals for 2019, getting a Solar Water Heater should be included in that plan.
Get the best advice FIRST- BEFORE YOU BUY!
The Solar Water Heater – another cog in the energy saving wheel.