You don’t need sun!
Many people believe that in order for the solar system on your roof to work, you need sunlight. While it is true that sunlight does deliver the best results, it’s the UV you need to make it work.
If it’s raining – forget it! You are going to have a cold shower!

Daylight not Sunlight
Solar panels use the energy from daylight, as opposed to sunlight, to produce electricity so panels do not need direct sunlight to work. It is photons in natural daylight which is converted by solar panels cells to produce electricity.
This being said, it is true that direct sunlight does provide the best conditions for the panels. However, even in overcast conditions light will diffuse through the clouds and reach the solar panels.
Modern solar panels include concentrators which use a system of lenses and mirrors to maximize any light that does reach the cells.
As a result, it is estimated that solar panels will be 40% as effective in heavy cloudy as they would in direct sunlight.
The clearer the skies are the more electricity will be produced.
Do You Need to Install Solar Panels in Direct Sunlight?
Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are widely regarded as an ideal method of generating electricity. The materials in the panels, usually silicon, create an electric current when met with natural daylight and this current is then used as standard electricity within properties.
The energy is renewable, therefore, considered green.
However, many question how effective solar panels are in cloudy climates and wonder whether direct sunlight is, indeed, needed to get the full benefits of the panels
Now is the time to look at solar.
With the winters we have in South Africa, especially in Gauteng , now is a GREAT time to look at solar for your home or business.
There are two very important elements to remember about solar.

An investment in a high Quality Solar brand like NOBEL is worth it’s weight in gold.
Firstly – this is a medium to long term investment. You will not recover your investment in your solar system in 12 months.
Typically, solar ROI is around 5-8 years, but with the way ESKOM is going, this could be considerably shorter!
Second – and this is probably more important that the first one. BUY YOUR SOLAR PRODUCTS FROM A PROPER SOLAR COMPANY.
Read that line again!
Like LED, everyone who has access to a PC can order and import solar products from China, but this DOES NOT make them qualified to sell or advise on it!
Like anything, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Take your time here and find companies that will take the time to come out and see you, do proper evaluations and give you high quality products with proper warranties and backups.
At Saving Energy, our preferred Solar Partner is Titanium One Solar as well as Solterra Vaal and if you are keen to look at solar, use the form below to get in touch.